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Don't turn your back upon Him, brother!

He is our mighty God and Savior, He will give us strength to bear
All the trials and tribulation that on Earth are ours to share;
Nothing here can take us from Him; He will hold us to the last--
When the battle here is over, and our troubles all have passed!

Our loving God will not forsake us; He will never leave alone
One that His only begotten gave His lifeblood to atone;
Yes, He's promised us, His children, He will not forsake our way;
But we can leave that hope of Heaven, we can cast it far away.

Don't turn your back upon Him, brother! Please, don't turn your face away--
He's the hope of your tomorrow; He will rescue you today!
Look unto this God of mercy, in the midst of grief and woe;
You will see the love He bears you, that He wants for you to know.

O gracious God, look on your servants with compassion as we pray,
We don't deserve the lovingkindness that you show in every way;
Thank you so for our dear Savior who has purchased us from Hell--
Help us, as brothers and as sisters, show each other love, as well!

Lyrics to an hymn written by

Kris Vilander

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